Flawnter Hard-coded Secrets Scanning

In today's digital age, security breaches are an ever-present threat, and one of the most common vulnerabilities that malicious actors exploit is the presence of hard-coded secrets and passwords in source code and configuration files. Hard-coded secrets and passwords are credentials and sensitive information that are directly embedded into the source code or configuration files of an application. This practice is highly discouraged due to its inherent security risks. One of the primary reasons why this is considered a severe vulnerability is that it makes it relatively easy for attackers to gain unauthorized access to your application or system. All they need to do is locate these hard-coded secrets, and they can potentially wreak havoc on your infrastructure, steal sensitive data, or even disrupt your services. To mitigate this security risk, it is essential to regularly scan your codebase and configuration files for any instances of hard-coded secrets and passwords. You can use Flawnter to proactively scan for hard-coded secrets and reduce the exposure to potential security breaches and enhance your application overall security posture.

Find hard-coded passwords, keys, secrets

Over 100 native built-in patterns

Rapid scans
